New artist

Carin Olsson

How is Rome treating you?
I’ll keep it short: I haven’t been here for that long just yet but so far I am loving it! 

Tell us a little about yourself! 
My name is Carin, born in Stockholm and have grown up in Sweden. During the last couple of years, I’ve been between Paris and Stockholm, where I’ve been working as a photographer, producing shoots and also as a content creator for brands, fashion houses and for myself. Last year I decided to try life in Rome, and now here we are!

Describe a typical day in your life!
What I love about my life is that no day looks exactly the same. Some days are spent in front of the computer working on (boring-to-me) admin duties, others are spent out and about the city shooting, on set or travelling for work. You never really know what a day or week might look like. 

Describe your photography in 3 words! 
Gosh, this is a hard one for me. Sometimes it’s so hard to judge your own work, or see it through other people’s eyes… Buuuut, if I would try, I would probably say: “a visual diary”. I love to capture what I see around me on a daily basis, wether it’s through my phone, camera or on film.

When do you feel the most creative? 
To be honest I think I feel the most creative whenever I’m out and about or in an environment, space, city or country I feel inspired in. I love to capture everyday life and the details I see around me. This love became even stronger after an extremely harsh covid-lockdown where going out, sitting in the sun, or simply seeing familiar faces became impossible… It made me appreciate all those little things even more. A coffee in the park, reading a book under a blue sky, watching the sky changing colours… It might sound cheesy but it’s true. I want to enjoy and capture it all – even more than before. 

What's the one interior piece you would save if your house was on fire?
My marble coffee table. Which I can’t even carry myself so I guess that wouldn’t be the smartest thing, haha.

Carin Olsson sitter på en filt på en gräsmatta och kollar på sina posters

"I love to capture what I see around me on a daily basis, wether it’s through my phone, camera or on film"

Bild fotad uppifrån på en av carins posters som ligger på sanden

What’s your go-to gift to bring to a house warming party?
I personally love to give people scented candles. I love to receive them myself so maybe that’s why, haha. I love to pick a scent that I think the person would love from brands like Diptyque, Byredo, Acqua di Parma, Astier de Villatte or Cire Trudon. But one of my favourite gifts was a framed print of beautiful lilacs (which happens to be my mother’s favourite) by one of my favourite photographers for mother’s day.  

What are you doing in ten years? 
Who knows! If you would have told me that I would be sitting here in Rome, having lived between Paris & Stockholm for years, 10 years ago, I probably would have fallen off my chair. And isn’t that the beauty of it? Not knowing. I love that. I really just want to be happy, healthy and do something that I truly love.

What's your best place on earth? 
No place makes me feel like Italy makes me feel. It’s happiness. Preferably by the water somewhere but most places in Italy will do. 

Do you have any hidden talents? 
I wouldn’t call it a talent at all, haha, but I love cooking and having people over.

I take photos when I’m… 
Happy. Travelling. Going through hard times. It’s more rare for me not to take any photos to be honest. 

I dance to… 
“Daylight” by Harry Styles at the moment.

I laugh to… 
Anything my sister does basically. No one makes me laugh as much as she does. I love the moments we get to spend together.

I love when people...
Are kind.

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