Tell us a little about yourself!
I am a female artist of 37 years old living in Paris, I paint, engrave, carve different matters.
Describe your art in 3 words!
Sensitive, sensual, poetic.
Describe a typical day in your life!
I walk with my dog, listen podcasts about art or life, and I go to the studio near from my place. I listen electronic music and I look any inspiration in my archives, I draw and I paint or grave from 10h to 18h. Some day I give art therapy classes in association or creation classes in my studio. And often, I go in museums or galleries to see others artists. I walk in paris a lot, take coffee and chill sometimes with a book at a coffee.
What's the one interior piece you would save if your house was on fire?
My dog! And my phone the rest is not necessary..
What’s your go-to gift to bring to a house warming party?
A gift handmade, a painting or a drawing.
When do you feel the most creative?
The morning.
What's your best place on earth?
My studio.
I dance to…
All kind of music.
I laugh to…
Memes about animals.
I love when people...
Are genuine.